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Smooth Sailing, from Ideas to Impactful Content.

Meet PenPersona - Converting your typed notes, spoken ideas, or audio files into engaging blogs, tweets, summaries, and more, in an instant!

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Boost your productivity.
Start using our app today.

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Product screenshot
Push to deploy.
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SSL certificates.
Anim aute id magna aliqua ad ad non deserunt sunt. Qui irure qui lorem cupidatat commodo.
Database backups.
Ac tincidunt sapien vehicula erat auctor pellentesque rhoncus.

Everything you need

All-in-one platform

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Share as Image Coming Soon
Create shareable images of your articles within PenPersona and upload them to X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, and more.
Super Articles Pro
Combine multiple notes on a topic into a single article, and extract new insights, fuse ideas, and create new stories.
Upload Voice Notes Pro
Upload existing audio files and convert them into articles with your chosen Personas.
Custom Personas Pro
Create unlimited custom Personas and use them to convert your notes into articles.
Search through your notes
Quickly search through your notes and articles and find what you are looking for.
Suggested Ideas Pro Coming Soon
Having trouble coming up with new ideas? We will suggest ideas based on your existing notes and articles.
Snap a Picture Pro Coming Soon
Write your thoughts using pen and paper, then snap a picture and upload it to PenPersona to convert it into an article. Best of both worlds!
Use on mobile
PenPersona can be used like an app on iOS and Android devices for a seamless experience, powered by PWA technology.
Special Words Coming Soon
Add special words to your account to make sure they are not changed during the conversion process.
Voice Notes
Sometimes, writing can slow you down. Use your voice to create notes, right on PenPersona. Voice notes support 57 languages.
Unlimited Notes Pro
Create notes without any limits. You can create as many notes as you want, and convert them into articles whenever you want.
Fine Tune your Articles Pro Coming Soon
Fine tune your articles by giving feedback, you can say things like "Add sports analogies" or "Avoid using lists" and your article will be recreated with the feedback.
Your own API key (Optional) Pro Coming Soon
You can provide your own API key for OpenAI and use the latest models to generate your articles, resulting in even higher quality articles.
Advanced Personas Pro

Use Cases

Learn all the ways that you can use PenPersona


Journaling is known to have many benefits. Use PenPersona to start journaling today, just let your thoughts flow freely.

Personal Library

Create a library of your thoughts on different topics, crystallised so you can refer back to them later.

Book Notes

Use PenPersona to take notes on the books you read. You can then refer back to them later.


We have worked with thousands of amazing people

“In the last 4 years, I published may be 5 articles on my blog. Since I started using PenPersona, I have published more than 15 in just a few months!”

Asad Dhamani

“Laborum quis quam. Dolorum et ut quod quia. Voluptas numquam delectus nihil. Aut enim doloremque et ipsam.”

Leslie Alexander

“Laborum quis quam. Dolorum et ut quod quia. Voluptas numquam delectus nihil. Aut enim doloremque et ipsam.”

Leslie Alexander

“Laborum quis quam. Dolorum et ut quod quia. Voluptas numquam delectus nihil. Aut enim doloremque et ipsam.”

Leslie Alexander

“Laborum quis quam. Dolorum et ut quod quia. Voluptas numquam delectus nihil. Aut enim doloremque et ipsam.”

Leslie Alexander

“Laborum quis quam. Dolorum et ut quod quia. Voluptas numquam delectus nihil. Aut enim doloremque et ipsam.”

Leslie Alexander

Simple no-tricks pricing

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Pro Plan

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What’s included

  • All features of the Free plan
  • All Pro and Coming Soon features
  • Unlimited usage
  • Support an indie developer

Unlimited access for a year

$99 $50 USD

Limited Time Launch Discount
Get access

No auto-renewal. No-question-asked refund policy for 30 days. Cancel anytime.

Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Can I use PenPersona for free?
Yes, you can use PenPersona for free. You will not have access to all the features and you will not have unlimited usage.
Can I get a refund if I don't like PenPersona?
While we hope that you will love PenPersona, we understand that it may not be for everyone. We offer a 30-day no-questions-asked refund policy, so you can try PenPersona risk-free.
Can I use PenPersona on my mobile device?
Yes, PenPersona can be used on mobile devices. It is a Progressive Web App (PWA) and can be installed on iOS and Android devices.
Will my subscription auto-renew?
No, your subscription will not auto-renew. You will be notified before your subscription expires and you can choose to renew it if you wish. PenPersona is one service that you will not need to worry about auto-renewing and then forgetting about it.

Why I created PenPersona

PenPersona was born out of a personal struggle - a struggle of conveying countless, valuable ideas through the written word. Recognizing writing as a form of thinking, it aims to ease the process of translating thoughts into shareable, coherent content. The app has the power to make ideas tangible and understandable, democratizing writing, fostering dialogue, sparking creativity, and enabling everyone to contribute to the collective knowledge of the world. Read more

Bridging the Gap

PenPersona is designed to tackle the often overwhelming process of translating mind-work into written work, thereby encouraging more people to share their thoughts and insights.

Fostering Idea Exchange

By eliminating the challenges of writing, such as rambling or repetition, PenPersona makes it easier to share ideas clearly and precisely, leading to impactful conversations and collaborations.

Unlocking Potential

Aside from providing a comfortable space for free-flowing thought, PenPersona also allows users to structure their thoughts, enabling effective comprehension and acting as a powerful tool for potential innovation.